Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sun Warrior Protein Brown Rice And Pea Protein?

Brown rice and pea protein? - sun warrior protein

I wondered what the brown rice and pea protein from amino acids, and attach to the rates. eg SO-protein Warrior


Bryce said...

What follows is not an explanation, rice and peas .. I do not know whether some brands have added amino acids, but generally not necessary for them whatsoever. They combine the rice and pea protein, because then the index of amino acids is high. However, soy and hemp is complete on their own ....

lexi m said...

I do not know know about Sun Warrior, but it is protein that has the distribution of all amino acids, protein powders, including rice, peas and hemp.

I have a custom mix of them was 30% to 70% peas and rice. Pea was actually a better profile, but I've read that 100% of the pea protein is not very tasteful. I have the chocolate flavor and peanut butter gross .. The taste is OK. But then in a blender with additional sweetener, 1 tablespoon peanut butter and 1 tablespoon cocoa powder mixed and it was really good. Something to drink, I could all day.

I also tried to preserve protein-protein from rice 100% premium French Vanilla ... it was beautiful ... but then I added sweeteners and sweetened coconut oil (LorAnn - no calories, no sugar) ... and a banana, and it was much better.

So I always correct my protein drinks that they have a better taste.

I currently have a large container of Vanilla SO warrior, and I want to finish ... Which has no taste or ... same mixture of 1 cup raspberriesNot translate 1 cup soy milk and 1 cup of chai tea in a good jolt. I do not buy again ... SO Warrior

lexi m said...

I do not know know about Sun Warrior, but it is protein that has the distribution of all amino acids, protein powders, including rice, peas and hemp.

I have a custom mix of them was 30% to 70% peas and rice. Pea was actually a better profile, but I've read that 100% of the pea protein is not very tasteful. I have the chocolate flavor and peanut butter gross .. The taste is OK. But then in a blender with additional sweetener, 1 tablespoon peanut butter and 1 tablespoon cocoa powder mixed and it was really good. Something to drink, I could all day.

I also tried to preserve protein-protein from rice 100% premium French Vanilla ... it was beautiful ... but then I added sweeteners and sweetened coconut oil (LorAnn - no calories, no sugar) ... and a banana, and it was much better.

So I always correct my protein drinks that they have a better taste.

I currently have a large container of Vanilla SO warrior, and I want to finish ... Which has no taste or ... same mixture of 1 cup raspberriesNot translate 1 cup soy milk and 1 cup of chai tea in a good jolt. I do not buy again ... SO Warrior

LisaC said...

Quinoa is a grain and protein contained

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