Friday, February 19, 2010

What Breed Of Dog Should Zero Be Nightmare Before Christmas Help! Way Over Our Heads With A Chinese Crested!?

Help! Way over our heads with a Chinese Crested!? - what breed of dog should zero be nightmare before christmas

I wanted a Chinese Crested for a long time and I thought I would have done much reading of the race. I made a mistake. We have our chinese crested dog yesterday morning by a breeder who seemed to have the reputation, and would have turned around and walked to the door, but I felt sorry for the little dog. There were hundreds of dogs in the building and jumped to the front, etc., etc., but at the same time, also seemed to play with other dogs, so I thought I was a person with courage. I would like to add that this dog is 7 months old at the moment. I did recognize her, that she had read do not necessarily features of the Chinese crested dog. The poor are petrified, not even in motion. The only person it will gand I feel close to my daughter and growls when she so much as we are doing. To make matters worse, we live in North Dakota, now with temperatures below zero, and although we wore a jacket legs and feet of dogs, stay here and complain every time I saw him outside. We also have two huskies that virtually ignored, apart from the usual colds, so that they are domesticated. I do not want to give this little dog to the dog because I should always feel at home. I just need a little advice on how to do deep. How do I toilet train him? Is it his personality? If not, how can I socialize, so that all family members enjoy, and if I stay here and complain? Thank you for yourHelp!


Voelven said...

Yes, you should be turned around and walked out the door, but I know it's difficult for some to do.

First you give him time to settle down and tell your daughter to ignore the dog. Just think a day has gone and what we see now, it should normally not be spirited dog, but the assessment of its conduct on that day could have a dog problem on their hands, so one step ahead I would say that the people a good coach or a dog on how to resolve the situation, when you begin to feel more comfortable talking to.

For toilet training, house training, etc., from the ground up and train it as if he was still a puppy of 8 weeks.

What rides, then gently pull on the leash and encourage him to continue. Probably the cold, insecure, and are not used, so there's time. Make sure that a lot of good experience (the game, contacts, etc.), but I do not drink.

Expertis... said...

No special breed!
They were stupid enough to buy scrap BYBd ... regardless of race will be surprised that ....& not "instant Lassie?
All dogs need training!
All dogs are trained the same way.
All training will take the work and time.

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